Wise Words about Heroes

Ekaterina Kolbina
2 min readOct 21, 2021


“Heroes are people who place themselves at risk for the benefit of others.” -Oliver North

The quote is meaningful tome as I agree that heroes are revealed during the hard time where they have to face hazards. Assuming risk is an inevitable part of heroism. Such people sacrifice their own safety and sometimes lives on behalf of others. Thus, heroes are never egoists, they think about other people, about their society.

“Hard times don’t create heroes. It is during the hard times when the ‘hero’ within us is revealed.” — Bob Riley

Heroes are the people who surround us but they usually remain unnoticed till the right moment. In the time of hardship people who have courage inside have a chance to demonstrate it. We can live the whole life having no clue that a person whom we see day in and day out has such a strong power inside. Troubles do not influence creating heroes, but they incite people to act, to choose, and to prove themselves. This is the moment when heroes are discovered. This quote gives me inspiration and encourages me stating that everyone can be a hero.

“You know, heroes are ordinary people that have achieved extraordinary things in life.” — Dave Winfield

This quote expresses a similar idea to the previous one: heroes are not far from us. We tend to believe that heroes are exceptional people. However, they are regular ones who manage to do something that others couldn´t. Achieving extraordinary things demands courage and sometimes carelessness. I believe that each of us can do a heroic deed if the situation requires and if our personality is strong enough.



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